Reflection 82 – Reading History VS Witnessing History

For my generation and even several years older, we are all used to reading about events that happened in history. Other than the 2011 revolution, we haven’t really witnessed any other major big events; in particular wars. Therefore, it was very surprising to watch the events unfolding in Palestine in the last couple of days. Everyone is asking what is happening. It is a very strange feeling to be watching a war rather than reading about it. But thanks to modern technology, things are pretty different . Let us try together to see what some of the major takeaways are. Bismillah…
Psychological warfare is more critical than physical warfare.
Probably for most of us living in the Arab world, and Muslim countries in general, we face an inferiority complex. We haven’t seen any real unity between our countries (other than useless slogans), nor have we witnessed any significant victories. We have lived our lives thinking we are lesser people than other advanced countries. Media and corrupted politicians implanted in our minds that we CAN’T. Yesterday’s events demonstrated to us that we CAN. A proper faith foundation accompanied by an eager mentality that seeks to make benefit of whatever science and technology are out there, is the secret mix. Most of us feel sympathy to our brothers and sisters in Gaza under ongoing siege and being deprived of all their basic human rights. But it’s the hardships they encounter that makes them excel on every front leaving the whole world stunned! Indeed, as Allah said, with hardship there is ease. Our mindset needs to change. We need to believe in the power of truth, dedication, hard work, and all this of course is preceded by proper reliance on Allah.
Nothing in this world happens suddenly.
The birth of a child is preceded by nine months of pregnancy, the sprouting of a plant is preceded by months of watering and delicate care, and so on. Human beings are hasty, and they want to see results NOW. Whenever we see injustice, we want to see immediate revenge. But this is not how the world works. Everything takes time to grow, mature, and bear its fruit. Those people taking part in these events have been trained for years probably. And many of their friends probably died throughout the last several years, and therefore didn‘t see any victory. Consistency is key. Putting in the required effort while not waiting for specific results is very important. We get easily discouraged when we don‘t see immediate results. Remember this life is a marathon, and not a 100m race.
We shouldn‘t feel SMALL.
It’s very easy to belittle one’s own efforts when we compare ourselves to those CHAMPS. Bear in mind that the champs are not only the ones in war zones. But these men have amazing mothers, wives, sisters and kids, who have to endure lots of pain and loss in order for these victories to happen. As for the rest of us, we should not belittle our prayers to them, nor should we belittle whatever goodness we do even if it doesn‘t pale in comparison. Allah
decreed that some of us will be on the front lines while others not. The idea is that we all work in unison to achieve betterment in society.
Finally, we are all grateful for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. To them, we love you and pray for you .

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